The Blackbough team, composed of young, creative, and passionate individuals who champion various causes such as marine life conservation and environmental preservation, includes team members based...
As food delivery services became increasingly popular during the COVID-19 pandemic, the surge in plastic waste generated by single-use cutlery has become a key environmental challenge...
Epson partnered with WWF-Philippines to conduct an urban gardening workshop for the global technology leader’s employees. Facilitated by WWF-Philippines Sustainable Food Systems Project Manager Monci Hinay,...
With its very small size, the effect of SIM cards on the environment may seem insignificant. However, their combined weight represents an estimated 20,000 tons of...
Individually, people are taking their own actions to mitigate the climate emergency. The study suggests that more people are walking or cycling more often (63.8%), reducing...
Because at the heart of CFP’s operations is training farmers on coffee processing to develop skills to produce high-quality coffee beans. CFP provides knowledge on the...
H-Audio Technologies is an audio tech company founded in 2017 by a Filipino American whose primary purpose was to sell sports headsets to raise money for...
Teleperformance Philippines renews its commitment to the planet as it pledges to do monthly switch-offs in all 22 of its business sites nationwide this 2021.
Smart Communications, Inc. (Smart) teamed up with SM Cares to encourage more Filipinos to properly dispose their electronic waste for a better world.
Nine in 10 consumers surveyed reported the COVID-19 pandemic affected their views on environmental sustainability, and COVID-19 was the top factor cited in influencing their view...